Personal Safety


  • Always be aware of your surroundings and look out for anything suspicious.
  • Remain vigilant while filling up with fuel, especially at night.
  • If you’re unsure if the vehicle trying to pull you over is an official police vehicle, remain calm, switch on your hazard lights and drive to the nearest police station.
  • Be vigilant when arriving home and ensure that there is sufficient lighting at the entrance to your property. If you suspect you’ve been followed, make a few false turns and drive to the nearest police station.
  • Use a GPS to avoid getting lost and becoming an easy target. Inform someone at your destination about your estimated time of arrival.
  • Limit distractions, such as checking or talking on your cell phone, when walking to or from your car. Avoid distractions while driving
  • Avoid driving with windows open, keep the doors locked and lock valuables out of sight. Install smash-and-grab window protection if possible.
  • Slow down in such a way that the light is green by the time you reach a traffic light, especially late at night - this prevents you coming to a complete stop and reduces your risk of becoming a target.
  • Always park in a safe, well-lit area.
  • Check the backseat before getting into the car, even if you left it locked.


  • Install an electric fence on the perimeter of your property, and an alarm system with sensors to warn you.
  • Draw the curtains at night to avoid perpetrators monitoring your movement.
  • Use access gates that don’t require you getting out of your car to open them, as this makes you an easy target for criminals. Also, be sure to look out for any suspicious vehicles or individuals when entering your property.
  • When possible, mix up your daily routine to make it less predictable for criminals to know when you’ll be home.
  • Don’t tempt criminals by leaving things like lawnmowers and vehicles outside for extended periods of time.
  • Cut away tree branches and remove objects like garden tools that could be used as leverage for getting into the house.
  • Notify your security company when you won’t be at home for extended periods of time.


Home computers, laptops, tablets, smart phones, and other personal devices can be vulnerable to the latest threats if they are not frequently updated. Set your computers and devices to automatically download and install operating system updates as they are released. This will ensure that even new threats will not be a risk.


The sharing feature that lets you share music, videos, documents, and printers with other computers in your home can represent a security risk if you use it in a public place. Others could use this feature to view or even alter documents that you have on your computer. When using your laptop in a public location, turn off the sharing feature entirely.

This is called “shoulder surfing” and is one way that valuable information can be stolen. This type of attack takes advantage of the courtesy or trust offered by the victim.

If you notice something “just a little off” in the records, or in another person’s actions, this might be an indication of inappropriate or suspicious activities. There may be a simple and innocent mistake, or there may be something much more serious happening. Report these peculiarities to the authorities and allow them to take a closer look as necessary.

Your computer’s operating system, applications, and antivirus software require regular updates. Without them, they become progressively more vulnerable to attack. These software components should be configured to update automatically.

If you use the same password for all of your accounts and a single account is breached, all of your accounts will become vulnerable. Always use completely unique passwords for each of your accounts. Don’t use variations of your password for separate sites, such as a base password that has a single alteration each time; these can be guessed.

Malware programs called “ransomware” will infect your computer and demand that you pay a “ransom” to the creator of the program to remove it. You should never pay the ransom requested; this will only give the creator of the program access to your personal and financial information. You can avoid ransomware by keeping your operating system updated, using an antivirus program and conducting regular system scans. Ransomware can be removed the same way as malware: by using an antivirus program.


Emails from your bank may be duplicated by con artists who are seeking to acquire your login details. These emails may appear to originate from your bank and may ask you to click a link to login and verify your information. Often, these emails may be extremely convincing and completely mimic the format of your bank. The link will often lead to a website that looks like your bank but is not. Always go to your bank directly by typing the URL into your browser. Never click on a link within an email to go to your bank.


Cyber bullying can occur at any time and the signs of cyber bullying can be subtle. Every child is different. Watch for any behavioural changes in your child. If your child is ordinarily talkative, he or she may become unusually quiet. A usually obedient child may become disobedient or sullen. Make sure that you talk to your child about cyber bullying and monitor their Internet use. Cyber bullying can take a very serious emotional toll on a child and it isn’t always easy to spot.

There are many reasons why children may begin bullying others. If you suspect that your child has been bullying others online, you should take action to get your child professional help. Your child may be acting out for reasons you aren’t aware of, but the problem needs to be addressed immediately. Cyber bullying is a crime, and your child may face legal repercussions for his or her actions.

Cyber bullying is a crime. If your child is the target of cyber bullying, you should document everything and contact both your child’s school and the local authorities. This will increase the likelihood that the matter will be dealt with in an appropriate and productive way. It will also send a message to your child that they are protected and that what is happening to them is wrong.

Internet “trolls” are mean-spirited individuals who attempt to disrupt forums, blogs and social media accounts. They will often lash out to try to provoke an emotional response and they may come in groups. You should never try to argue with a troll; they already know they are wrong, they are simply trying to irritate you.

If you don’t backup your data regularly, you may lose it. You can protect yourself through the use of a cloud backup system. A cloud backup system can usually be accessed from anywhere in the world and any device, provided that you have the password. Cloud backups are extremely stable and will back up your system automatically. They are in a separate physical location from your data, allowing you to protect against fire and flood. However, they can also represent a security risk if not properly secured because of their accessibility, so always use a strong password with your cloud backup service.

To ensure that intruders cannot get into your home computer and steal or manipulate your data, use a personal firewall. Most computers will come with a firewall, such as the “Windows Firewall,” already installed. Be sure it is turned on.  You may also want to invest in a subscription-based antivirus and malware solution that also includes virus scanning and firewall.

The remote access setting of your computer allows others to connect to your computer from anywhere in the world. You should always have your computer set to deny remote access connections. Go to Windows -> Control panel -> System and Security -> System -> Remote Settings and select “Don’t allow connections to this computer” under “Remote Desktop.”

The UPS knocks down hazardous voltage spikes that could damage your computer, and provides a few minutes of power from the battery to your computer when the power fails. This will give you the opportunity to save your work, close the applications, and shut down your computer cleanly.

WPA2 provides authentication to allow access for only authorized users and also encrypts all data in transit over the wireless connection, securing it from attackersAt home, use WPA2 Personal or WPA2 Home.